RWS Textilpflege - Shoe Heel Rubber Replacement Repair 20€ (unbeatable pricing)

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RWS Textilpflege - Shoe Heel Rubber Replacement Repair 20€ (unbeatable pricing)

Post by Julia »

Deal link:
Price: 20€
Retailer: RWS Textilpflege

We were travelling to Hamburg, when my backpack ripped. I was in the Europa Passage Mall, frustrated by my backpack mishap challenging our day. Then, I noticed a sewing machine near the entrance. The gentleman came out and I showed him how my backpack was torn!

While the tailor took my damaged backpack and swiftly started working on it, I noticed that this tailor's store is your one-stop solution for many of your clothing repairs, like dry cleaning needs, shoe repair and even key production.

I immediately decided to repair my shoes. As I mentioned in my other post, from my perspective, these gentlemen take pride in their quick turnaround time and exceptional craftsmanship. My first impression of their service is why I returned to repair my shoes! My shoes look amazing. Here are the before and after pics!

My Backpack Repair:rws-textilpflege-restoring-your-backpac ... -t191.html

Located in: Europa Passage
Adresse: Ballindamm 40, 20095 Hamburg
Phone: 040 363262


Located in: Phoenix Center
Address: Hannoversche Str. 86, 21079 Hamburg
Phone: 040 85103483

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