Search found 4 matches

by Iron_Man
26 Jun 2023, 03:47
Forum: Real Deals
Topic: Lidl Scored Big Savings and Found Discounted De'Longhi Coffee Maker EC 850.M Espresso Machine 249€ (46% off)
Replies: 2
Views: 54647

Re: Lidl Scored Big Savings and Found Discounted De'Longhi Coffee Maker EC 850.M Espresso Machine 249€ (46% off)

Went online to just peek, and noticed Amazon already changed the price.
It was 321€ yesterday, and now it's showing €328,28 ? I don't understand the 2% hike in price?
Click here:

Now you see why I LOVE Lidl!

by Iron_Man
23 Jun 2023, 02:45
Forum: Real Deals
Topic: Lidl Scored Big Savings and Found Discounted De'Longhi Coffee Maker EC 850.M Espresso Machine 249€ (46% off)
Replies: 2
Views: 54647

Lidl Scored Big Savings and Found Discounted De'Longhi Coffee Maker EC 850.M Espresso Machine 249€ (46% off)

Deal link : Price : 249€ Retailer : Lidl There's nothing like homemade freshly brewed coffee. I have to honestly say that this was a gift I waited too long to bring more joy to our mornings. I could have bought this sooner, but hey. What...
by Iron_Man
18 Feb 2023, 23:25
Forum: Expired Offers
Topic: Amazon The Matrix Collection Films DVD Blue-Ray includes The Matrix, Reloaded, Revolutions, Resurrections €21.00 (-40%)
Replies: 1
Views: 48554

Re: Amazon The Matrix Collection Films DVD Blue-Ray includes The Matrix, Reloaded, Revolutions, Resurrections €17.50 (-5

I did order this, but it seems the price has gone up slightly. It is now showing -40% or €21.00. Please make the changes so people know the change made by Amazon.

by Iron_Man
02 Feb 2023, 17:41
Forum: Expired Offers
Topic: Aldi North and Aldi South Milsani Deutsche Markenbutter 250g €1.59 (30% off)
Replies: 0
Views: 18375

Aldi North and Aldi South Milsani Deutsche Markenbutter 250g €1.59 (30% off)

Price : €1.59 Retailer : Aldi Nationwide in all Aldi stores (Aldi North and Aldi South), the new price freeze for a 250g package of butter will now cost €1.59 As shoppers are faced with high prices at the Aldi supermarket due to inflation, Albi has stated that it was freezing the prices of its in-h...